Semester Assessment for grade 9 (sec 3)

 Choose the correct answer.

1.    Handy : I think we should turn left.

Heni    : . . . I think we should just go  


Handy : Well, I’m not sure. I’m afraid we 


A.     Let’s just turn left.

B.     I agree with you.

C.     I don’t think so.

D.     You’re right.

2.   Handy : I’m studying very hard at the 

                     moment. . . . pass my exams next 


      Heni    : Good luck, my friend.

A.     in order to

B.     because

C.     so that

D.     so

3.    Handy : Is this dictionary new?

Heni    : Yes. I bought it . . . help with my


A.     as

B.     to

C.     so

D.     so that

4.  Handy : I called you last night, but your 

                      mum said you had already gone 

                      to bed.

        Heni    : Yeah. I went to bed early . . . be 

                        tired in the morning.

A.     in order not to

B.     in order to

C.     because

D.     to

5.   Handy : I have to get up early. I set the 

                     alarm for Five o’clock . . . over 


        Heni    : Good idea.

A.     in order not to

B.     in order to

C.     because

D.     to

6.    Handy : How long did you wait for Adella 

                      last night?

        Heni    : I waited for an hour . . . I could 

                        meet her.

A.     in order not to

B.     in order to

C.     because

D.    so that

7.      Some people do not eat before exercise . . . feel nauseated.

A.     in order not to

B.     in order to

C.     because

D.     so that

8.      Do exercise regularly . . . have excellent health and well-being.

A.     in order not to

B.     in order to

C.     because

D.     so that

9.      My sister gave English lessons . . . earn some money.

A.     to

B.     so

C.     so that

D.     although

10. Heni is very nice person. She is always prompt . . . help his friends.

A.     to

B.     so

C.     so that

D.     although

11. They took the taxi . . . waste time.

A.     in order not to

B.     in order to

C.     because

D.     so that

12. I’m going to Amerika . . . forget my English.

A.     in order not to

B.     in order to

C.     because

D.     so that

13. Make sure your bags are tagged . . . you can identify them later.

A.     in order not to

B.     in order to

C.     to

D.    so


The following text is for questions 14 – 18.


Sony Cyber-shot DSC W55/P


Start expressing yourself more with Cyber-shot DSC W55 7.2-megapixel digital camera. This camera help you take more amazing pictures because of its large LCD display. 

Make your pictures great with Cyber-shot DSC W55 digital camera. It is powerful, colourful, and pocket-sized camera. This camera offers 7.2-megapixel abd a Carl Zeiss 3X optical lens. It has high ISO 1000 sensitivity for shooting in low light. This camera can take up 380 shots. In bright sunlight, you are still able to take shots, check the pictures, and explore menus as it has bright 2.5” LCD screen. You can take shots without a flash memory card since it already has 56MB of internal memory. Saving and exchanging photos become easier because of the built-in slot for optional Memory Stick Duo media.


Product Specification:

Megapixels: 7.2 Megapixels

Optical Zoom: 3X

Digital Zoom: 6X

LCD Screen Size: 2.5 in

Recording Method: Memory Stick Duo

Product Line: Cyber-shot

Camera Type: Compact


14. What makes it easy to save and exchange photos?

A.     The large LCD displays.

B.     The bright 2.5” LCD screen.

C.     The optional Memory Stick Duo media.

D.     The Cyber-shot DSC-W55 digital camera.

15. Why is it possible to take pictures without having a flash memory card?

A.     The large LCD display.

B.     The bright LCD screen.

C.     The big internal memory capacity.

D.     The superb 7.2 megapixel imaging.

16. What is the type of camera?

A.     Compact.

B.     Cyber-shot.

C.     Megapixels.

D.     Stick Duo Media.

17. “In bright sunlight, you are still able to take shots, check the pictures, and explore menus as it has bright 2.5” LCD screen.” The underlined word means . . .

A.     lists of photos

B.     photographs

C.     injections

D.     messages

18. the text tells about the . . . of the product.

A.     benefits, features and price

B.     benefits, size, and features

C.     benefits, colour, and size

D.     benefits, size, and price


The following text is for questions 19-20.


19. What has Heni achieved.

A.     Becomes the winner of a poetry reading competition.

B.     Succeeded in holding a poetry reading competition.

C.     Succeeded in making her parents proud of her.

D.     Participated in a poetry reading competition.

20. “May your love to literature grow up and forever.”

Through the sentence, the parents hope that Heni . . . .

A.     grows up high

B.     likes to grow up and up

C.     wants tp know literature later

D.    increase her love for literature


The following text is for questions 21-25.


Let’s Bake A Cake



1.      Put two eggs on one side of the scales.

2.      Balance the eggs with the suggar.

3.      Put the sugar in a bowl.

4.      Balance the eggss with the margarine.

5.      Mix margarine and sugar together until creamy.

6.      Balance the eggs with the flour.

7.      Put the flour into the mixture.

8.      Crack the eggs and whisk until frothy.

9.      Add the eggs to the mixture,

10. Mix together until creamy again.

11. Grease a small round cake tin with some butter.

12. Spoon in the mixture.

13. Place it in a hot oven (1900C/3750F)

14. Bake it for 12 minutes until golden brown.

15. Put some toppings, such as chocolate, sliced fruits or cheese, onto the cake.


21. How much flour is needed in the recipe?

A.     The same wight as the two eggs.

B.     A kilogram.

C.     Just a little.

D.     A bowl

22. Before putting in the mixture, what should be done to the tin?

A.     Heat it for several minutes.

B.     Grease it with some butter.

C.     Bake it for 12 minutes.

D.     Place it in a hot oven.

23. “Crack the eggs and whisk until frothy.

What does the underlined word mean?

A.     Becoming cream.

B.     Becoming stiff.

C.     White and soft.

D.    Full of foam.

24. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

A.     The temperature needed to bake is below 1900C.

B.     The tin used to bake is small and square.

C.     Only yolks are used in making this cake.

D.    All ingridients have the same wight.


The following text is for questions 25-29.


How to Operate A Vacuum Cleaner

1.      First, check all parts of the machine. Make sure they are fixed correctly.

2.      Plug in the electronic socket before turning the machine on.

3.      Second, press the power button.

4.      Next, move the vacuum cleaner to the dirty floor.

5.      After you have finished cleaning the floor, turn the power off.

6.      Push the red button to take the dust bag off.

7.      Throw the dust in the dust bag into a rubbish bin. Then put the dust bag back into the machine.

25. What is the intention of writing the text?

A.     To guide readers on how to use the product properly.

B.     To encourage people to use a vacuum cleaner.

C.     To tell readers ho to fix a vacuum cleaner.

D.     To describe readers about a vacuum cleaner.

26. Which of the following buttons you should press before taking off the dust bag?

A.     The red button.

B.     The green button.

C.     The power button.

D.     The yellow button.

27. Don’t forget to turn off the power . . . the floor has been cleaned.

A.     after

B.     before

C.     while

D.     during

28. “Plug in the electronic socket before turning the machine on.”

Which the following picture goes with the underlined word?

A.     .Kumpulan contoh soal bahasa Inggris smp/Mts Kelas 9                    B.      Kumpulan contoh soal bahasa Inggris smp/Mts Kelas 9

C.     .Kumpulan contoh soal bahasa Inggris smp/Mts Kelas 9                    D.     .Kumpulan contoh soal bahasa Inggris smp/Mts Kelas 929. What should you do before pressing the power button on?A.     Fix the dust bin.B.     Plug in the socket.C.     Empty the dust bag.D.     Move the vacuun cleaner on the floor.

The following text is for questions 30 – 34.


Plants Need Light to Grow


Let’s do an experiment.



-         two garden pots

-         garden soil

-         two seedlings

-         a watering can



1.      Fill two pots with some garden soil.

2.      Put the same plant seedling into each pot.

3.      Place one pot under the light and water it every day.

4.      Keep the other pot inside a dark room and water it every day.

5.      Do this fpr three weeks in a row.


What will happen?

The seedling that is placed under the light becomes healthy. The seedling that is placed in the dark roo, shows weak growth and the plant becomes yellowish. This indicates that the plants growth os on accordance with its environment. This influences how tall that the plant grow, how deep the root are, and how many and big the leaves grow.30. What kind of soil should be used in this experiment?A.     Soft soil.B.     Hard soil.C.     Rocky soil.D.    Garden soil.

31. “two seedings

The underlined word means . . .

A.     fruit seeds

B.     young plants

C.     grown plants

D.     healthy plants

32. How long is suggested for the experiment?

A.     One day.

B.     One week.

C.     Two weeks.

D.    Three weeks.

33. What happends to the seedling if it is kept in the dark until the end of the experiment?

A.     it withers.

B.     it dissapears.

C.     it has flowers.

D.    it shows weak growth.

34. The experiment proves that . . .

A.     plants need water to grow.

B.     plants need sun light to grow.

C.     plants like the warmth of the sun.

D.     plants can survive in hard condition.

35. Be quiet! We . . . to listen to the radio.

A.     try

B.     tried

C.     trying

D.     are trying

36. We are trying to catch the ball that . . . down the hill.

A.     roll

B.     rolls

C.     rolling

D.    is rolling

37. we were all enjoying the movie when the power . . . out.

A.     go

B.     goes

C.     went

D.     going

38. When I saw Heni, she . . . for her cat.

A.     look

B.     looks

C.     looked

D.     was looking

39. Why . . . you . . . when I came in?

A.     are – laughing

B.     did – laugh

C.     were – laughing

D.     do – laugh

40. Ghania : May I visit you around seven this


        Aisyah : I’m afraid I . . . my clothes.

A.     will still be ironing

B.     am ironing

C.     ironed

D.     iron

41. Ghania : What . . . at 8 a.m. tomorrow?

Aisyah : I’ll be teaching my class.

A.     do you do

B.     did you do

C.     are you doing

D.    will you be doing

42. We have been here for almost an hour but Aisyah . . . yet.

A.     has not returned

B.     does not return

C.     has not return

D.     is not return

43. Dzakir : What were you doing when the 

                        fire broke out.

        Onay   : I . . . up my room.

A.     was cleaning

B.     am cleaning

C.     cleans

D.     clean

44. Bingo : The class is empty. Where is 


Atan  : They . . . in the hall.

A.     were doing exercises

B.     are doing exercises

C.     did exercises

D.     exercised


The following text is for questions 45 – 50.


1)    To print a file, click File menu and select Print.

2)    Make sure that you have your printer selected by clicking.

- Office 2010  > Printer

- Office 2013  > Printer

3)    Choose your printer and specify the required settings before clicking OK


- Open the Printer Driver Guide to understand about the details of the printer driver.

- Click Instructions. The Instructions will not be displayed if the On-screen Manual is not Instaled.

4)    Select Print to start printing your file. Your file will be printed in a few moments.


45. After you . . . the printer, you should click Printer menu.

A.     installed

B.     click file menu on

C.     read the instruction of

D.     ensure you have selected

46. What happens if the On-screen Manual is not installed?

A.     The Printer Driver Guide is not displayed.

B.     The required settings are not specified.

C.     The instuctions are not displayed.

D.     The instruction is displayed.

47. “ . . .specify the required settings . . .”

The underlined word is closest in mening to . . .

A.     select

B.     clean

C.     press

D.     start

48. What will happen if you click the Print button?

A.     The printer setting window will appear.

B.     The On-screen Manual will be installed.

C.     The process of printing will start.

D.     The process will be finished.

49. The text is intended to tell . . .

A.     the kinds of printers

B.     how to print your document

C.     the way to choose a good printer

D.     what we should do to open a Printer Driver Guide

50.  “Select Print to start printing your file. Your file will be printed in a few moments.”

The antonym of underlined word is . . .

A.     close

B.     off

C.     end

D.     reroll


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